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(NPM : 1501070037)









 UNIT 1. Greeting and Introducing Yourself

Expressions :
Good morning                                                            
Good evening
Good afternoon
Let me introduce my self
I want to introduce my self
My nick name
My full name
That’s all
Her name
His name
Thank you
I would like to introduce…
I live at.. ,in.., on…
Good night
In this nice occasion
House is life
Civil servant
My hobby
My pet
I come from..
How are you?
I’m sorry

“Good morning guys..! How are you today? This is our first meeting and here I would like to introduce my self.  My name is Diah Ayu Hidayah. My nick name is Diah.  I was born on 19 November , 1997 in Ngestirahayu, Punggur.  I live in Ngestirahayu, exactly in Merpati street number 17.  I come from State Islamic College  of Jurai Siwo Metro. My hobby is reading and writing short story. And I have  a lot of dream, one of them is to be the best writer and be a teacher. And now, I choose English program because I think English is interesting for me and I want to continue my study in other country, especially in Eropa. I have family who always support me , he is my father and my mother. My father’s name is Budi Satmono and my mother’s name is Siti Khadijah. Not only them, I also have a sister, Her name is Annisa Ubaidillah, she still study in elementary school. I think that’s all . Thank you”

UNIT  2. Daily activity

Expressions : 
Every morning
Every afternoon
Get up
Wake up
Go to..
Have lunch
Take ritual ablution
Take a bath
Go to bed
Go home
Always suggest me
Spend my time
I’m going to…
Take a rest
I usually prepare..
It’s very tired
Make the bed
After it..
I must do my obligation
Feel happy
Take pray

I always get up at 4 am every morning. But usually I can get up at 5 am when the alarm on my hand phone is error. After that I wash my face and take ritual ablution, because I feel fresh after do it. For waiting adzan Subuh I usually prepare my book to study, not only it I also make the bed.   At 06.00 am I have breakfast. My mother always suggest me to breakfast before I go to campus . She was angry when I’m not breakfast first, because I spend almost 6 hours in the campus. After I have finished my study in campus, I’m going  to teach my students in TPA at 3 pm until 5 pm. But if I have many task in my campus and my organization, unfortunately I’m absent.
So I always go home at 5 pm, yeaah! it’s so tired. But I believe, that Allah will help me when I help His religion. I take a bath at 5.30 pm and I just eat after magrib than I read the holy Qu’ran until isya’. I think how busy I’m , I must do what my obligation. At 8 pm, I just start to study one until two hours. But when my body is not feeling well, I will study shorter. And the last I go to bed at 10 pm. Before it, I take ritual ablutions first. Because The Prophet Muhammad suggest to all people of moslem before going to bed.

UNIT 3. Personal Identity

Expressions :
What is your nick name?
What is your full name?
Where were you born?
How old are you?
What is your birthday?
How tall are you?
What is your height?
What is your weight?
What does your brother look like?
What does your sister look like?
When were you born?
You look younger
You look older
What are your hobbies?
Where do you work?
Where do you study?
Brown skin,  sharp nose, high body
Straight hair, fat, short
Do you have sister?
Where do you live?

This conversation is for 2 people : topic “To fill the form of personal identity”

Ita           :  Assalamu’alaikum, what do you do here?
Diah       :  Wa’alaikumsalam,I waiting my father pick up me.
Ita           :  Oh..By the way, what is your name?
Diah       :  My name is Diah Ayu Hidayah,and you?
Ita           :  Your name is good! name is Ita Febriyanti.
Diah       :  You too, what can I call you?
Ita           :  You can call me Ita.
Diah       :  Where do you live, Ita ? 
Ita           :  I live in Punggur, Center Lampung. You bring a lot of book, are you still a student, Diah?
Diah       :   Yes, I am a student  of State Isamic Collage of Jurai Siwo Metro, how about you?
Ita           :  I am graduate from University of Lampung .
Diah       :  Are you kidding me? But you look younger, Sister. How old are you?
Ita           :  I’m seriously. I still 24 years ,how about you, Diah? When were you born?
Diah       :  I was born on 19 November 1997. May I know what are your hobbies?
Ita           :  My hobbies are cooking, reading and traveling. That’s all I think.
Diah       :   Thank you, Sister.

UNIT 4. Asking for direction

Expression  :

Excuse me, can I  help you?
Excuse me, can you help me?
Excuse me, I’m looking for …
Excuse me, I get lost
Can you show me the way to your home
Is there…near here?
Do you know
Where is…?
How do/can I get to..from here?
How far is…from here?
Turn left/right
At the opposite of/in front of
Go straight ahead/go ahead
Go down…street

I run out of gas, Do you know..
Yes, of course/certainly
Yes, just follow me
Yes, come with me
No I don’t know. I’m sorry
Yes I do, just straight ahead
No, there isn’t
It’s not so far from here
It’s about 2 km from here
It’s on the corner
Just beside /next to
On your right/left
Go along this street
Take a taxi

Amar     :  Hallo John! Is it right that my book  in your bag ?
Fatih      :  I don’t know, please wait for minute, I check it first!
Amar     :  Ok!
Fatih      :  Are you at home now? I want to take my book, because I need it to prepare test tomorrow.
Amar     : Yes, I at home now.
Fatih      : Where is your home, Amar?
Amar     : Oh, near here. In Punggur.
Fatih      : Tell me the direction of your home, please!
Amar     : From our Senior High School, you just go straight ahead along this Jasmine street and you will find  Asyfa  bookstore.
Fatih      : Oh Asyifa bookstore, yah I know.
Amar     : Than you will find Merpati street, and you must turn left . There is a PLAZA. My home beside it.
Fatih      : Oke, wait me in front of your home!
Amar     : Siip! You just spend around 15 minutes, be careful on the way!


Unit 5.  Receiving Guest

Expressions :
Anybody home?
Good Morning
What time
Sit down please!
Take a seat!
Come in please!
Wait for..
A moment
A minute
At the moment
Will be back

Annisa :  Assalamu’alaikum, anybody home?
Ms.Ana                :  Walaikumsalam, who is it?
Annisa  :   It’s me Annisa, I’m your daughter’s  friend. I have some job with her and we make a decision                                     to  study together. Is she at home at the moment?
Ms.Ana :   Oh, come in please! She is still buying some vegetables.
Annisa  :   Where is it, Mom?
Ms.Ana                :   In the market. But don’t worry. Dear! the market is near from my home. Wait some minutes!
Annisa  :   By the way, are you  her mother?
Ms.Ana:   Yes, you right. Can I get you some to drink?
Annisa  :  Oh..Thank you Mom.
Ms.Ana                :  I’m sorry. May I know where do you life?
Annisa  :  I life in Bandung, near  from my school.
Icha        :  Hi..Have you waited  for long time?
Annisa  :  Not really. Around ten minutes.
Icha        :  I was looking for vegetables for my mother. I’m sorry make you waited me.

UNIT 6. Going Shopping

Expression  :
Take a look
Have a look
Fitting room
How much
Show me
Fixed price
It’s beautiful
I’II take it
Anything else?
Large size

Isna        : Good afternoon, sister. What can I do for you?
Fany      : I want to buy some dress, but I want to take a look first.
Isna        : Oh, yes please!
Fany      : Do you have long dress with long arm?
Isna        : Yes, I have. What color and size do you want?
Fany      : Pink dress, please! and medium size.
Isna        : Ok! here it is. You may try it on.
Fany      : Look ,look! What do you think?
Isna        :You look so beautiful.
Fany      : Is it right? How much is it?
Isna        : it’s just Rp.95.000
Fany      : May I bargain?
Isna        : Well, the price fixed Rp.90.000
Fany      : Ok, I’ll take it.
Isna        : Anything else?
Fany      : I think enough, where should I pay?
Isna        : You can pay in the cashier, in front of you.
Fany      : Ok, thank you.
Isna        : You’re welcome, come next time..

UNIT  7. Guessing Game

There are many games that can be used to improve students’ speaking ability. One of them is guessing game. Guessing game in bahasa Indonesia “Tebak Kata” is a game which created based on quiz on TV around 1970s. The steps are:
1.       The words used are written on small cards. All the words used consist of nouns : names of person, thing, and animal(other word classes can not be used). The criteria : they should be popular and unique.
2.       There are 2 sides, the guesser and the answerer. The guesser may ask any question which can guide her/him to guess the written word. The question should be yes/or no questions. The questioner can only answer yes or no.
The conversation that may happen is described below:
A :           Is it person?
B:            No.
A:            A thing?
B:            No.
A:            Animals?
B:            No.
A:            In Indonesia?
B:            Yes.
A:            Flowers?
B:            Yes.
A:            Have pink color?
B:            Yes.
A:            Thorny?
B:            Yes.
A:            Rose flower? 
B:            Yes, you right!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

UNIT .8. Homes

Expressions :
Dining room
Boarding house
Living room

The topic of this conversation is “my home”
Zahra     : Where is your house, Mer?
Merry   : So far from here, in Punggur.
Zahra     : Is your house big?
Merry   : No, it’s not big. It has only six rooms.
Zahra     : Can you tell me, the condition of your house?
Merry   : Oh, ok. When you come in my home, in front you can find the park with many colorful      flowers planted by my diligent sister. And than, if you open the first door, you will find the living room with white color. Beside it there is a were house. Than, if you open the second door, you will find the dining room completed by television room and in the corner you will find the fish pond. What else do you want to know?
Zahra     : What kind of furniture do you have in your living room?
Merry   : Just little, there are table and chair.
Zahra     :You said that your house has 6 rooms. Now tell me about all the rooms!
Merry   : Well, there are living room, were house, dining room, kitchen room and  there are 2 bad rooms, for my parents and for me.
Zahra     : Do you put some picture on the wall?
Merry   : No. I never put my picture on the wall.
Zahra     : Where do you usually study?
Merry   : I usually study in my bad room. Em..By the way, how about your house? can you tell me?
Zahra     : Alright, I have a big house in Metro. There are eight rooms, living room, television room, dining room, two bad room ,bath room, were house and there is a room for praying. In the corner I also have swimming pool, my family usually swim in Sunday.

UNIT 9. Looking for a job

Expressions :
I’m looking for a job
Application letter
Recent photographs
Hard worker
Better life
Job vacancy
Work over time
Have you ever worked before?
Have you any experience in this job before?
Do you have any experience in working before?
What skills do you have?
Do you have capabilities?
What sort of sport do you master?
Why do you want to move?
How much salary do you want?
Can you speak English?
Where did you graduate from?
How many foreign languages do you master?
Can you operate computer?
Can you make business letter?
Have you ever been a secretary?
Have you ever been a teacher in a course?
Do you can speak English fluently?
Have you ever been a treasurer?

This conversation is for 2 people between Personal Manager and the applicant. The applicant is applying for  treasurer position.
P.M        : Please come in. Sit down . What is your name?
App        : My name is Zahra Mujahidah. You can call me Zahra.
P.M        : Where did you graduate from?
App        : I graduate from State Islamic College of Jurai Siwo, Metro.
P.M        : What program do you choose before?
App        : I choose English education in STAIN.
P.M        : So, you can speak English fluently?
App        : Yes, Sir.
P.M        :Have you experienced in this job before?
App        : Not yet, Sir. But during my study I followed some organization and I ever be a treasurer before.
P.M        : Have you ever worked before?
App        : Not yet, Sir.
P.M        : What skill do you have?
App        : I can operate the computer and type it well and I can understand English language and I also can mathematic.
P.M        : How many foreign languages do you master?
App        : Only English, Sir.
P.M        : Are you a hard worker?
App        : Yes, Sir.
P.M        : Are you ready to work over  time?
App        : Yes, Sir.
P.M        : How much salary do you want?
App        : If you don’t mind I want Rp. 4.000.000,-
P.M        : Okay, I hope you come tomorrow morning for written test.
App        : Thank you, Sir. See you tomorrow.
P.M        : See you.

UNIT 10. Telephoning( Talking on the phone)

Expressions :

Can/May I help you
Can /May I speak to …
May I have your number, please?
Phone number
Hold on
 Wrong number
Leave a message
Take a message
What can I do for you?
I’d like to speak to…
Can you spell your name?
Who is calling?
Call back
Just a minute
Wait some minutes
I’m sorry,..

This conversation is for 2 people : Receptionist and Caller.

R : Dreamer corporation, Good morning. What can I do for you?

C : Good morning, I would like to speak with Mr. Bilal ,please!

R : Who is calling please?

C : My name is Wildan Prasetya and I’m the manager of PTP Indo 3.

R : Pardon me, can you spell your name?

C : Ok, (W-I-L-D-A-N)

R : Alright Mr. Wildan, let me check first.
     Oh, I’m sorry he is out now. Can I take a message?

C : What time will he be back?

R : Usually at 02.00 pm.

C : Alright, I’ll call him again later.

R : Could I have your number, please?

C : Certainly, it is 0257535

R : I’II repeat. it is 0257535

C : Yes, that’s true.

R : Ok, I’II tell him.
C : Thank you very much.


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